Some months ago, I was requested to develop a written guide on web-mapping system development using Django as published on the playlist on my YouTube Channel. After great efforts, I have released a complete GeoDjango Tutorial guide that serves as a written replica of the YouTube Playlist.
The guide illustrates the possibilities of developing a fully-fledged web-GIS system using Python and Django. It helps readers and developers identify the key issues, tips and tricks around developing these kinds of systems.
Using the guide, you will develop a sample project that one can advance to feature their objectives. It has code snippets and explanations for each of the snippets.
You can use this guide to learn or improve your skills in this area. Remember to contribute any piece of information, if any, that can help improve this guide.
Download the guide from the Downloads section or find more on topics on the Tutorial series page
Happy Hacking in GeoDjango. Cheers!
hi i create a website with django and i use leaflet in django form . evrery things is ok but i cant include search box inside leaflet map in my form plz help me how can i do it?
hello! i can not download the guide, could you send me by email?
Please send it on email Unable to download GeoDjango Tutorial Guide