QGIS ‘Essen’ – The good news

In the last few years, QGIS has really grown in a huge collection of tools, algorithms tackling various tasks in its environments

The Dev team has really given QGIS a new look and feel and also power to roar in the GIS world. Tools tackling simple to complex processes have now been developed and been released for use by the wider community.
QGIS 2.14.0 was released and comes with really great functionality that were missing in previous releases.
Follow along as I unwrap some of  the functionality for you.

Added Styling Options
This new version of QGIS comes with new and great styling options for layers, either point, line or polygon.

Styles in QGIS 2.14.0

Zoom to Feature (By Right Clicking on feature in attribute table) 

This gives an easier access for the functionality directly from the feature itself.By right clicking on feature, you get the option to zoom into the feature.

Zoom to feature on right click

New expressions in Field Calculator
The release has also included new expressions for use in field calculator. More so the “geometry” and “variables section“.

Field Calculator functions

Removal of SPIT – Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool

This tool was used to import shapefiles from QGIS to a PostGIS database in previous versions of QGIS.in 2.14.0, it has been removed and the functionality being handled  under DB Manager.

Pasting a style from one layer to selected layers in Legend
It’s now possible to use a style from one layer in others by copy-pasting the style in the legend section.

Copying styles from a layer

Transaction groups for PostGIS editing
When working with data stored in a database, editing this data can sometimes lead to database errors or database instability. This functionality comes in-handy to help in this situation by enabling transaction on data.If editing begins on data, transaction is initialized for all layers. This is helpful during data editing and also when performing commit actions where all layers are saved for the changes and if a rollback is conducted, its done for all the layers. (Covered more on database transactions)

Activating the transaction tool

The changes discussed above are just but a few of the news that QGIS 2.14.0 comes with.Check online to view more.



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Wanjohi Kibui

Passionate about harnessing the power of geospatial technology to create innovative solutions, I'm a GIS Consultant and Developer dedicated to building cutting-edge geospatial applications. With a keen eye for spatial analysis and a knack for problem-solving, I specialize in crafting solutions that seamlessly integrate technology and geography.

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