In a GIS, the ability to handle more data formats is of key priority while developing the system. This gives the GIS users a wider variety of formats to choose from during their analysis. Adding layers in QGIS can be done from many sources and in many formats.
Loading a WMS, WFS or WCS is one of the vital abilities for users carrying out web mapping operations with their data. The three formats of data can be loaded easily directly from GeoServer into QGIS.
First, we need to establish a secure connection between QGIS and GeoServer.
Load the WMS/WMTS dialog window at Layers >> Add WMS/WMTS Layer on the Menu (QGIS) or by selecting the Add WMS/WMTS layer from the Manage layers toolbar.
Select “New” to add connection information
Give the connection a name. Example “mytest”
We need a URL to connect to our GeoServer. Here are the steps:
Load GeoServer in a browser. In my case at http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web/
Use the default login credentials for GeoServer. Username: admin, Password: GeoServer
On the left column “Service Capabilities” select 1.3.0 under WMS.A new page will be loaded.
Copy the URL of the loaded page and paste it under the URL section in our “New” window and click OK.
Click on the “connect” button to load the layers from GeoServer.
Click to select the layer of interest click on “Add” and then “Close”. The layer will be loaded in the QGIS application.
We just loaded a layer into QGIS directly from GeoServer.
For WFS and WCS the procedure is the same except that you have to remember to select the appropriate option required e.g. WFS instead of WMS.
Thank you very much, this post was very important to me.
Auro Francisco
aurofj at
Welcome Leonardo Eiji Koshimura. I have actually done a video on the same at . Have a look and subscribe for more